Since I was here last, a lot has been happening, we have put our house on the market, and found our dream home so please keep your fingers crossed that we can sell this and buy the ideal home for us. Half of our possessions have ended up being put into storage in a garage we have rented until such time as we move LOL. The only trouble is that now I can't find anything ha ha!!!
We've been really lucky with some beautiful weather lately, so I hope we have a good summer.
We went to Hospital for Pauls regular check up on the 5th April, and were told that his condition has deteriorated since December, and he now only has 16% kidney function. He has told me that he definitely doesn't want me to donate one of my kidneys to him and he would rather me be fit and well to carry on with our work and be his carer, so he will now be put on the transplant list, and go onto CAPD as and when needed. I have mixed feelings really, I wanted to prevent him having to suffer, but I also feel relieved not to have to go through a major operation in the near future. I have, however promised that if he becomes unwell, I will step in to donate if I'm a suitable match. We shall wait and see! We had to go to the hospital today (26/4/11) to see the chief staff nurse of the Renal Unit at the N&N to discuss treatment etc. and we asked him lots of questions. We've now got to ring the Transplant Co-ordinator and ask to have a meeting with the transplant team from Addenbrooks to see what happens next in case Paul needs to have a kidney removed.
I've been losing weight (intentionally) but the last 2 months I've been quite down and blown it all. To cap it all Paul bought me 3 easter eggs - and I've been eating chocolate like never before. I think I'll be sick of the stuff by the time they've all gone. Once that has happened, I'm getting back to losing the last few lbs to get to my target weight.
Well, that's about all the news I have this time around, and I will be back with more news in a few weeks.
Bye for now, Sheila